Direct call

IT solutions for logistics

Protegas te et data
External data protection officer

External data protection officer

Your advantages through the external data protection officer

  • Certified expertise (TÜV certified)
  • Extensive know-how
  • Transparent cost structure
  • Low commitment of company resources
  • Termination possible at any time
    (Compared to the special protection against dismissal in the case of an internal data protection officer).

Our services for the implementation of the DSGVO

  • Level 1
    • Inventory of online services
    • Inventory of processing activities
    • Inventory of the IT system and its data security
  • Level 2
    • Establishment of a register of processing activities
    • Drawing up a catalogue of measures according to (target and must implement)
    • Draft contractual measures to ensure data protection

Notification of cooperation to the supervisory authority
(The data protection officer here becomes the contact point for the supervisory authority in questions related to the processing of personal data).

  • Level 3
    • Informing and advising data controllers and employees regarding their obligations under data protection law (in particular under DSGVO and "BDSG-Neu")
    • Monitoring compliance with data protection regulations

Data protection in the health sector

Data protection in the health sector

Personal data in the medical and health care sector
In no other industry is the processing of personal data as risky as in the medical and healthcare sectors.
With our years of experience in this sector, we accompany you in the legally compliant handling of your data and the legally compliant implementation of the GDPR.



Our trainings:

  • Employee training and awareness-raising in the area of data protection according to DSGVO
  • Data protection for employees in logistics
  • Data protection for healthcare workers
  • Data protection knowledge for managers

You can choose the form of the training yourself:

  • Training on site
  • Training in our training rooms
  • or via eLearning conveniently on your PC



Qualified data protection audits

With our team of IT and data protection experts, we conduct qualified data protection audits throughout Germany.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.